Michael Jackson's Trials

Michael Jackson's Trials


The Ongoing Trials of The Late Michael Jackson

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Kicking a Man When He is Down

Whether Michael Jackson is guilty or innocent, has yet to be decided by the trial; which will not take place until January 2005.

However, in a veritable blizzard of kicks and punches, people close to him have all seemingly conspired together; to announce, in the last week or so, that they will be a publishing books about him.

The latest, in this line of literary masterpieces, is said to come from Bob Jones; who, until Jackson fired him a few weeks ago, was Jackson's PR man.

Jones, in the true spirit of showbusiness, is said to be hawking his memoirs to New York publishers.

I understand that Jones has been with the Jacksons, in one guise or another, since the 1970's. That is one hell of a long time to be in "the eye of the storm".

This book will become yet another in a long line of "kiss and tell" memoirs, that include one banned in the USA written by Victor Gutierrez; which alleges several inappropriate liaisons between Jackson and minors.

Details on the banned book can be accessed via the link below:


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