Michael Jackson's Trials

Michael Jackson's Trials


The Ongoing Trials of The Late Michael Jackson

Friday, June 29, 2007

More Law Suits

Michael Jackson's spokeswoman, Raymone Bain, issued a statement on Thursday in response to various reports about Jackson that she called "untrue, defamatory and malicious in nature."

One report, denied by Bain, was that Jackson was confined to his bed and relying on medication.


"In fact, Mr. Jackson is doing very well, and conducted a meeting with his advisers yesterday, which included former Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti and Reverend Jesse L. Jackson Sr. among others."

Regarding speculation that Jackson suspects that his older brother Randy has been stealing from him, Bain said:

"Mr. Jackson does not believe that his brother Randy Jackson has stolen monies from him.

Nor does he believe that Randy, or any of his family members, would ever steal from him

Bain also dismissed suggestions that Jackson was being evicted from the Las Vegas mansion that he has been renting.


"He decided not to exercise the option to purchase the house.


She was also dismissive of reports that he was going to tour Europe:

"There was no press release issued from Mr. Jackson's organisation regarding any European tour plans.

Despite reports to the contrary, Mr. Jackson is currently in the studio putting finishing touches on his music

Bain flatly rejected reports that Jackson is either losing or selling his share in the Sony/ATV catalogue, quote: "ludicrous" and "without merit."

However, whatever the validity or otherwise of those reports, Jackson has a few other problems to deal with.

An attorney for Jackson this week said that he would agree to a judgement ordering him to pay $216K to Ayscough & Marar, a Torrance California law firm, that sued him last year for overdue fees.

Ayscough & Marar were hired by Jackson during his child molestation trial in 2005, to obtain court orders to delay discovery in civil cases and to keep information from being released publicly during the trial.

Abelson & Herron, a Delaware law firm, filed suit against Jackson this week. They claim that he owes them $110K, for services regarding a concert promoter who accused Jackson of backing out of two performances scheduled for New Year's Eve 2000.

It never rains, but it pours.

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