Michael Jackson's Trials

Michael Jackson's Trials


The Ongoing Trials of The Late Michael Jackson

Friday, April 01, 2005

Most Foolish American

Michael Jackson has won the coveted title of America's most foolish person, for the third year running.

Around 80% of 1,030 people, who took part in the annual April Fool's Day survey, felt that Jackson deserved the title; ahead of his sister Janet and domestic goddess Martha Stewart.

Well as the saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity.


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM


    What with secrecy surrounding D. A. Sneddon date of birth?
    Sneddon graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1963
    and ... no bd?

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Hi Ken

    I am certaibn that there is a plannet where pure anger and antitude reign supreme. This blog is for your attention so what you do with it is irrelevant.

    It seems that anyone who is secure enough to abserve the developments around the case can find something worth question form the prosecutions case. I am not sure if you fall in the category.

    Be sensible and use Grade 2 (if it get's complex get a six year old's assistance) logic you. Sayonara and may your anger sustain you.

  3. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Hi Ken

    I am certain that there is a planet where pure anger and antitude reign supreme. This blog is for your attention so what you do with it is irrelevant.

    It seems that anyone who is secure enough to abserve the developments around the case can find something worth question form the prosecutions case. I am not sure if you fall in the category.

    Be sensible and use Grade 2 (if it get's complex get a six year old's assistance) logic you. May your antitude sustain you.

