Michael Jackson's Trials

Michael Jackson's Trials


The Ongoing Trials of The Late Michael Jackson

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jackson and The Pope - Utter Bollocks!

It turns out that, according to both the Vatican and Michael Jackson's spokeswoman, the story about him recording some songs written by Pope John Paul II is utter bollocks.

Raymone Bain, Jackson's spokeswoman, said:

"Contrary to published reports in Italy, and the United States, Michael Jackson has not participated in any discussions with the Vatican or Edizioni Musicali Terzo Millennio, an Italian music label specializing in religious songs, to record music to Pope John Paul II's prayers."

She added:

"None of Mr. Jackson's authorized representatives have contacted either the Vatican or Edizioni Musicali Terzo Millennio, regarding this proposed project."

Bain said that Jackson had been contacted by the Vatican "about a year ago", about working on some music.


"Because he was in trial at the time, he was not able to focus on it."

The Vatican has said that it is unaware of any contact with Jackson.

I don't know, but it seems questionable to me that the Vatican would have contacted Jackson before the verdict in the trial had been decided.

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